5 Types of Kangen Water®

Kangen Water® Ionizers are capable of producing 5 different types of water, from acidic to alkaline, via two separate hoses.

The pH of the water produced ranges from pH 2.5 (acidic for sanitization), pH 4.0 – 4.6 (for beauty), pH 7.0 (for medication), pH 8.5, 9.0, 9.5 (for drinking), to pH 11.0 (for cleaning).

With your portable-sized home unit, the K8, SD 501, JR IV, or Super 501, you will enjoy multiple types of water to carry out your daily house-hold activities from drinking, cooking, cleaning, and beauty.

The 5 Water Types

Strong Alkaline Water (pH 11.0)

Has a strong cleaning effect and can be used for food preparation, grease cleaning (emulsifies oil), stain removal, and washing the dishes.

Food PreparationFood Preparation
Removes pesticides, wax coatings, proteins and fats which cause bacterial growth and other harmful industrial chemicals attached to your raw food.

Kangen Water® (pH 8.5, 9.0, 9.5)

DRinking waterDrinking
Kangen Water® is filled with all of the hydrogen goodness your body craves for. The taste of Kangen Water® is light, pleasant, and easy to drink.

Soup preparationFood Preparation
Enhances the taste of your food. Kangen Water® is able to draw out the flavour of your food, making great tasting soup and gravy!

Kangen Water® may stimulate plant growth and seedling development due to its hydration and penetration power.

Neutral Water (pH 7.0)

Neutral in pH, clean water is free of chlorine and suitable for use with medication as it does not have the same penetration power as Kangen Water® pH 8.5 – 9.5 and therefore does not disrupt the rate of dissolution of the medicine.

Baby FoodBaby Food
Babies are very alkaline by nature and therefore should not drink water that is alkaline, even if the alkalinity buffer is low. When preparing baby food, use pH 7.0 neutral water.

Beauty Water (pH 4.0 – 6.0)

Facial WashFacial Wash

Slightly acidic, beauty water has astringent properties and can be used as a facial wash, facial toner, and an excellent after-shave toner.

Hair CareHair Care

Replaces your hair conditioner after shampooing and reducing occurrence of tangles in your hair.

pet carePet Care
Spraying your pet with beauty water and brushing its fur afterwards will achieve fur that’s soft and shiny.

Strong Acidic Water (pH 2.5 Hypochlorous Acid)

A strong disinfectant used in beauty salons, restaurants, pet shops, and nursing homes to sanitize equipment and hands.

Medical TreatmentTreatment
Used in hundreds of hospitals in Japan. EPA-approved official disinfectant. Hypochlorous acid can be used to treat athletes foot and other skin disorders.

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